Our Strategic Goals

St. Michael’s House has four Key Goals and have identified four strategy enablers to support the delivery of these strategic goals


Goal 1:  A rights based service for service users

We will continue to build on the person-centred work already in situ within St Michael’s House.  We will continue to build a rights based framework for our service users.

Goal 2:  Participation of Service Users and Families/Supporters

We will work collaboratively with service users, families/supporters to continue to respect their rights and respect that they are all an essential part of planning, decision-making and service delivery.

Goal 3:  Valuing and Investing in our Staff

We will instil a collective, compassionate and inclusive leadership culture to support innovation, creativity, excellence and to lead change.

Goal 4:  Learning from and Influencing the Sector, Government and Society

We will continue to build strategic alliances, partnerships and working relationships with our funders.  We will be open from learning from others and sharing our learning and development with others.


We will keep you updated on how this new plan is progressing over the next five years.  Check back here for updates.