As a response to the feedback from the 2018 organisational wide staff survey "Your opinion Counts", the HSE has established an Anti-Bullying Task Force and are pleased to launch its first
Anti-Bullying Awareness Day on 28th February, 2019.
St Michael's House is delighted to take part in and promote this day.
For our Employees
Under the "Dignity at Work Policy" St. Michael's House recognises the right of all employees to be treated with Dignity and Respect and is committed to ensuring that all employees are provided with a safe working environment, which is free from all forms of bullying, sexual harassment and harassment.
Peer Support
As part of the "Dignity at Work Policy" St Michael's House has recruited and trained a panel of "Support Contact Persons". The role of the Support Contact Person is to provide information, and emotional support to any employee who feels that he/she is being bullied/harassed or against whom a complaint of bullying/harassment has been made.
This is one of many HR Policies that value all employees place of work.