So it is coming up to Christmas and the end of the year. 2020 has not been the usual year we all expected and especially since March but we have stood strong in the midst of this pandemic and endeavoured to keep everyone safe.
Covid-19 forced us to make many changes in our lives - our Adult day services were closed and we never imagined that nine months on we would still be in a situation that we are not able to provide a full day service for all our service users. Many of those in our residential services were cocooning and restricted in where they could go and what they could do and whilst everyone's routines were disrupted many found alternative ways to, communicate, engage and keep up to date - we all, including management, had to get used to Zooming and doing more things on-line, we had virtual events and activities and of course we all missed our friends.
As we approach the festive season and the end of 2020, we need to remember all the wonderful things that happened both before March and during the months that followed. The resumption of our day services, outreach programmes that we have delivered to our service users. Our gifted, innovative and talented staff demonstrated great resolve and purpose by thinking outside of the box and offering support and services to so many service users and their families during the last nine months in particular. We continue to work with the clinical teams to support for our 2020 school leavers in providing safe and quality services.
Despite the challenges of dealing with Covid we have managed this crises really well and the number of positive cases have been relatively low. This again is due to the commitment, diligence, motivation and determination of our staff, service users and family supports all working together. It has been particularly difficult for people unable to visit and see their loved ones but people worked together for the greater good to prevent people getting sick. At the same time everyone has worked hard to maintain our high quality, person centred service that has positively impacted on the lives of individuals.
It is likely that the new year will bring frustration and more uncertainty due to Brexit and further lockdowns (hopefully not), however it will also bring opportunity in the way we deliver services and how we support people.
Finally, on behalf of the Adult Service Management Teams, can we wish all the men and women who receive service, their families and our staff a very happy Christmas. We hope that, whatever you are doing and whoever you are able to do it with over the next few weeks, you have fun and that the glow of the festive period brightens the gloom of 2020. We fully expect 2021 to be a good year and we look forward to it with high expectations!
Michael Farrell & Conor Kenny
End of Year Message from Directors of Adult Services
Issued 14 December 2020