Our Government on January 6th announced further Covid-19 restrictions on the Irish Community. There are increased Covid-19 positive cases in Ireland. Within St Michael’s House, we have experienced increased reports in positive cases over Christmas. This may result in increased requirement of staff numbers to self-isolate.
Our staff are strictly adhering to all HSE guildelines and there is a number of units within the Service that are routinely using full PPE.
Schools in Ireland are closed until January 31st with exceptions. Special Schools openings are to be clarified from the Department of Education and Skills. To date; we continue with respite and day services but this is under constant review. Service users and families will be informed locally in relation to any impact on services or any required changes.
Our Executive Management Team are in daily contact to review, monitor and manage circumstances as information unfolds. We are working with the HSE on vaccination processes and plans for our services.
The ultimate aim is to keep services open. As always, we will continue to work with the HSE and adhere to all national guidance.
This website is the fastest timely method of information but we will continue to write letters to service users and families once a month.