St. Michael's House would like to inform you that although many service users in St Michael’s House have received a COVID 19 vaccine, some service users still require vaccination (1st and 2nd doses).
St. Michael's House have submitted to the HSE the number of people that still require to be vaccinated.
They include:
• Residential
• Day Service
• Adults who only access clinical services (‘clinic only’)
• Children in schools 18/19 years and
• Children 16/17 years who have Down’s Syndrome*
St. Michael's House will continue to advocate for and prepare for this but currently have no confirmation yet of additional dates for HSE Vaccination clinics in St Michael’s House. St. Michael's House Covid-19 Vaccination Steering Group will keep you informed as soon as more information is received
*Please note that those aged 16/17 years with complex medical conditions under the care of a Consultant will be vaccinated at the hospital they attend
The COVID-19 Vaccination Steering Group