St Michael's House meet with Joint Committee on Disability Matters | Rights Based Approach to Disability Services

Issued 20 June 2024

Disability Matters

St Michael’s House CEO, Liz Reynolds, and members of the Executive Management Team met with the Joint Committee on Disability Matters at the Oireachtas in Leinster House on Wednesday June 19th 2024 to discuss a rights-based approach to disability services.


In attendance at the meeting were, Leas-Chathaoirleach Pauline Tully TD (Sinn Fein, Cavan-Monaghan), Dessie Ellis TD (Sinn Fein, Dublin North West), Senator Fiona O’Loughlin (Senator in Kildare South), Senator Tom Clonan (Independent Trinity Senator) and from St Michael's House were Liz Reynolds (CEO), Tara Molloy (Director of Support Services), Diarmuid Devereux (Director of Estates) and Jim McCaughey (Director of Finance).


The Management Team would like to thank the Joint Committee for the opportunity to meet with them to discuss rights-based service delivery to people with disabilities and also for engaging in a thought-partnership with St Michael’s House to ensure a clear pathway for monitoring the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is in place for Ireland.


St Michael’s House are committed to delivery services and supports based on the needs, wishes and choices of people with disabilities and look forward to continuing to learn from and influence the sector, government and society as set out in our Strategic Plan 2022-2026.


Click here or on the image below to view meeting in full.


Oireachtas - 19 June 2024 (1)