Congratulations to our Winners | SMH Club June Draw & Car Draw Winner 2024

Issued 30 July 2024


St Michael's House Foundation are delighted to announce the June 2024 winners of St Michael's House Club Draw and Annual Car Draw

1st Prize (€1,000)                      Marina Murphy             20472
2nd Prize (€600) Arecely Valdriz-Balatian             20287
3rd Prize (€400)Marian O'Reilly             19798


Congratulations to the Car Draw Winner for 2024 - Maretta Murphy (19802)

Thank you to Joe Duffy Kia North Dublin who hosted #TeamSMH on the day 

Thank you to all of the members of the Club Draw which supports St. Michael's House Leisure Centre.

The June Club Draw and Car Draw 2024 Draw took place on Thursday 25th July 2024 in Joe Duffy Kia North Dublin

A big thank to Christopher O'Toole and Majella Kennedy from Moyle Road Day Services who pulled the winning tickets on the day (see Club Draw video below)

Be in with a chance to win monthly cash prizes | contact for more information