St Michael's House are delighted to announce that the SMH Interdisciplinary Sleep Pathwayfor Children with Complex Sleep Difficulties has been selected as a finalist for the Irish Healthcare Centre Awards in the Healthcare Initiative Disability Services category! 🌟
Congratulations to our Ballymun CDNT, CAMHS-ID (Joan Gilvarry & Dr. Lope), and the Paediatric Neurodisability Team (Dr. Zareen & Denise Brady), whose dedication and collaboration have made this achievement possible.
Learning from and Influencing the Sector, Government & Society by sharing our learning and development with others is a key goal of our Strategic Plan
#TeamSMH #StMichaelsHouse #CDNT #ChildrensServices #CAMHSID #PaediatricNeurodisability #SMHStrategy #InfluencingTheSector #HealthcareExcellence #SleepPathway #CollaborativeCare #IrishHealthcareAwards #DisabilityServices #IHCA25