St Michael's House are Finalists | Irish Healthcare Centre Awards

Issued 24 March 2025

Disability Services

St Michael's House are delighted to announce that the SMH Interdisciplinary Sleep Pathwayfor Children with Complex Sleep Difficulties has been selected as a finalist for the Irish Healthcare Centre Awards in the Healthcare Initiative Disability Services category! 🌟


Congratulations to our Ballymun CDNT, CAMHS-ID (Joan Gilvarry & Dr. Lope), and the Paediatric Neurodisability Team (Dr. Zareen & Denise Brady), whose dedication and collaboration have made this achievement possible. 


Learning from and Influencing the Sector, Government & Society by sharing our learning and development with others is a key goal of our Strategic Plan


#TeamSMH #StMichaelsHouse #CDNT #ChildrensServices #CAMHSID #PaediatricNeurodisability #SMHStrategy #InfluencingTheSector #HealthcareExcellence #SleepPathway #CollaborativeCare #IrishHealthcareAwards #DisabilityServices #IHCA25