St. Michael's House Celebrates Lámh Day 2021

Issued 12 October 2021

Lamh Day 2021

13 October 2021:  Today, St. Michael's House celebrates Lámh Day 2021.  

Lámh supports communication between everyone - children, adults, families, staff and all the people in our lives.  Lámh  enables communication in everyday places.

St. Michael's House are proud to promote the use of Lámh as part of their Total Communication Policy.

The 2021 Lámh Day theme is Where Do You Lámh? 

Click on the video below to find out where Brendan uses Lámh during his daily routine.  Thank you to St. Michael's House Speech & Language Therapists Claire and Aoife for participating in the video.



download         For more information about Lámh click here or on the Lámh logo