Support Services

St. Michael’s House recognises the challenges for families of caring for a child with additional complex needs and acknowledge the benefits of short breaks, respite and family support services.

Children Family Fun Day 2019 Ballymun

St. Michael’s House deliver support services through a range of initiatives aimed at providing a positive experience for children and their families. We aim to provide quality breaks that are community based and child focused.

More Information

If you require any additional information you can contact: Catherine Rafter in the Social Work Department




St. Michael’s House Home Sharing Programme

The Home Sharing programme aims to provides short breaks to children in a host family setting on a regular basis. The breaks are individualised to the child and child's family are always central to the process. A short break can encompass day breaks, short overnight breaks, or breaks over holiday periods.

The Home Sharing Scheme is run by St. Michael’s House Social Work Department.

More Information

If you require any additional information you can contact your child's Social Worker or Catherine Rafter in the Social Work Department


Residential Respite Services

St. Michael’s House have two community respite houses which offer breaks to older children.

Residential Respite provides breaks for a maximum of 6 children at any one time. The breaks allow the child an opportunity to mix with peers away from home and to engage in activities in the local community. The aim is to provide child centred, holistic and quality breaks for the young person to enjoy.

Respite Houses are registered and inspected by Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA)

Residential Respite is a prioritised and resource dependant service.

More Information

If you require any additional information you can contact your child's Social Worker, Catherine Rafter or a member of your child's Clinical team

Ballymun Clinic (01) 8840200

Coolock Clinic (01) 8770500

Goatstown Clinic (01) 2990500

Support Services (LINK)

St. Michael’s House provides Link support services to children and young people on an individual and group basis to engage or LINK in their local community for social and recreational purposes. Services are provided in the afternoons, evenings and weekends.

The service offers a family with a short break and provides the young person with the opportunity to socialise independently outside of their family. The young person is encouraged to engage in activities they enjoy, develop friendships, independence and to try new experiences.

Link service is limited in line with available resources.

More Information

If you require any additional information you can contact your child's Social Worker, or a member of your child's Clinical team.

Ballymun Clinic (01) 8840200
Coolock Clinic (01) 8770500

Goatstown Clinic (01) 2990500