Family Library and Resource Centre

St. Michael’s House Library and Resource Centre holds over 5,000 books and subscribes to 20 journals on intellectual disability, Autism and related subjects.




The lending library is open to our service users, families and staff and all are welcome to call in and borrow up to three books on loan for a three-week period.

To check if a book is available or to search for books by subject please click on the library catalogue link.


The Ballymun Library Opening Hours.

Please contact the Library by email - 



Requesting a Book or Library Information

To request a book or article: Contact: Patsy Carton , Email : 

Parent and Children Section

In this section we have books for parents and siblings, for example, parenting a child with special needs, sibling relationships, child development, disability awareness etc. Also in our child development section we have books on child psychology, social stories, social skills training and understanding and living with disability

Assistive Technology Centre

We hold a good selection of educational software adapted for special needs. Most recently we have purchased ipads with educational apps selected by our Home Teachers and Speech and Language team. Parents are welcome to call to the library and try some of the apps on the ipads with their children

Service User Selection

This area has a range of books covering a wide variety of topics that have been selected by our service users.

Children's Multi-Sensory Stories

We have a wide selection of children’s story books including our sensory stories developed by our Home Teachers. All are available for parents to take out on loan.

Our Sensory Stories are stories especially designed for children with Intellectual disabilities. They are stories in a box with props that appeal to the senses: smell, touch, sound, sight and taste. The boxes in circulation were designed by the Home Teachers Mairead Naughton and Maria Nolan with volunteer support and sponsorship by KPMG. The Award Winning Stories are available on loan to all families from the Library.

You can access the Library Catalogue here.


IDAAL Website

IDAAL is driven by a group of librarians specialising in the areas of Intellectual Disability and Mental Health. St.Michael's House is one of the founding members of this group.

The aim of IDAAL is to provide up-to-date information which supports research, best practice and education across all our services. The site provides easy access to the best international medical databases giving access to up to date journal articles. If you are a Parent or staff member and require access from your home, please contact Patsy Carton direct. You can access the IDAAL website here.