Supported Employment Project
Supported Employment St. Michael’s House
St Michael's House WorkAbility programme is co-funded by the Government of Ireland, through the Department of Social Protection and the European Union. The project will run from 2024-2028 and will support individuals over the age of 16 years old to Prepare, Train and Gain meaningful employment in the community. To find out more about our SMH WorkAbility project funding please visit
This project will also focus on delivering disability awareness training to employers and their staff who engage with our WorkAbility Team.
Project Goals
- Support people with disabilities to access meaningful employment
- Improve career progression opportunities
- Improve employment outcomes through education and training
- Support potential employers to provide employment for people with disabilities
- Develop beneficial clinical and individual resources that can be used universally and accessed easily
Project Objectives
Objective 1: To improve the employment prospects of people with disabilities who are currently distant from the labour market
Objective 2: To build the capacity of employers to recruit, retain and progress people with disabilities within their workforce.
Project Actions
Action 1: Increased labour market participation of people with disabilities
Action 2: Increased employment opportunities for people with disabilities, for example training and skills building
Action 3: Increased number of employers establishing good practices and supportive workplaces for people with disabilities
What is Supported Employment & What are the Benefits for your Company?
Aligning with St. Michael's House Strategic Plan and building a rights based service, this Project delivers a model of employment that supports a person with additional needs to obtain and maintain meaningful employment. St. Michael's House have been supporting adults with disabilities for over 70 years to enhance their skills and support them in a working environment. The project team has thoroughly reviewed this area and has established a streamlined pathway for all who wish to engage in employment as well as providing support to St. Michael's House staff assisting in the process and future employers.
The Supported Employment Project team are training and assisting young adults to become valued and active members of the workforce. The team will also support and train your employees with a bespoke disability awareness training module.
There are huge benefits to having an employee on your team with a disability. They will add value to teams by bringing a range of skills, talents and abilities that a traditional workforce may not have.
St. Michael's House are delighted to already have successful collaborative relationships with many companies who support and employ adults in our services. We currently have a number of employers successfully participating in this supportive employment initiative. We hope to further expand & welcome on board new partnerships.
Everyone should have the right to work, to enjoy equal rights and opportunities, and to be INCLUDED
Together, we can make the workforce a more diverse and inclusive environment
Meet the Team
My name is Lorna and I am the Supported Employment Project Coordinator.
My name is Amy and I am the designated Social Care Worker.
My name is Mark and I am on the Supported Employment Project Committee
My name is Tara and I am a Speech & Language Therapist
My name is Katie and I am an Occupational Therapist
We are here to support you in the best way we can and look forward to embarking on this new exciting journey with you.
To find out more about our innovative St Michael's House WorkAbility Supported Employment Project, WorkAbility support (including clinical support) please dowload our brochure here or click on the image below or contact the team directly at or 087 9148369
For further information on the funding for this project please visit